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West Sacramento Sun

Governor: Curfew for All except some Bay Area Counties

Nov 19, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Nghia Nguyen, Office of Senator Jim Nielsen

Nielsen: Governor's Edict Establishes “Two Californias Where COVID Is Concerned”

SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - Californians living in “Purple Tier” counties were told to comply with a draconian curfew from 10pm to 5am. Senator Jim Nielsen (R-Tehama) issued the following statement:

“It concerns me that the Governor has an ever-changing policy that attempts to dictate our way of life and commerce. It changes weekly. Over the months, this inconsistency has led to much confusion and contributed to the disruption of lives, the loss of jobs, and closures of schools and small businesses. 

"Add to this the apparent preferential treatment given to three extremely wealthy and very Democratic counties, Marin, San Francisco and San Mateo (Silicon Valley). It would seem that in the eyes of our Governor, there are really two Californias - one for the uber-wealthy entitled class, and all the rest of us.  

“This is just insane. It is confusing. There is no clear plan. This is no way to address a pandemic.”

PLEASE NOTE: San Mateo, Marin and San Francisco do not have to comply to this curfew as they are categorized in the Red Tier, while rural counties with lower positive rates are in the more restrictive Purple Tier.


Bay Area Red Tier:              VS.         Northern counties in the Purple Tier:

San Francisco County - 39                Napa County – 5

San Mateo County - 27                     Yuba County - 22

Marin County – 7                                Yolo County – 12


Average New Cases per day over last seven days

San Francisco County – 102             Napa County – 37

Marin County – 26                             Yuba County – 24

San Mateo County – 93                    Yolo County – 45


Elected to the State Senate in January 2013, Senator Nielsen represents the Fourth Senate District, which includes the counties of Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Tehama and Yuba. To contact Senator Jim Nielsen, please call him at 916-651-4004, or via email at [email protected]. Follow him @CASenatorJim.